While the events in Ukraine and the Middle East are being played out, our Vice President made an important South American trade tour in order to develop immigration ties to our southern neighbors and to solidify some negotiations between that region and our own.

During that visit, Harris talked about the Middle Eastt we are entering a new age of freedom and democracy that was moving through the Mideast. She talked about the democracy of South America as well. The Democrats are constantly holding up the banner of democracy when talking about the upcoming election against Trump.

The only problem is that the democracies of the world today, with few exceptions, are really nothing more than democratically controlled economic juntas. Most of these so called ‘free’ countries, do not have the protections of the United States Constitution and the people, while believing they are free because they can go to the ballot box every few years, have little understanding that their democracy resembles a US form of republic government only on the surface, and is not based in fact.

For one thing, most of the world economies are badly overbalanced and government controlled. They subsist primarily to provide a means of delivery of social services and deliver little else. These social systems of entitlements and government welfare (in one form or another) are designed to keep the people happy with the little money they have in their pockets. All it is doing though, is subsidizing their poverty.

Take for example, Brazil, where our President touted as an example of a South American democracy, and currently no longer free under Bolisinaro. The country has a ballot box, sure, but the vast majority of the people live in crushing poverty. The average income of a Brazilian is barely above 10k a year, and the government is so bankrupt, it received a massive bailout in 2002 from the IMF. It’s repaid that loan since– but government’s that have an economy that are fundamentally sound, don’t need bailouts in the first place. The only reason it’s doing well at all was the result of a revaluation of its currency and world speculators pumping in huge amounts of short-term currency. Now that may be changing or has changed with Bolsonaro and a return to economic freedoms, but Biden attacks him instead. All of sudden, Democrats don’t like ‘democracy’ anymore.

Brazil is not America South. It’s economy is heavily planned and managed while its people have little protections or recourse. The courts system is badly stagnated- some say deliberately. Cases take at best , decades to resolve. Justice in Brazil is at the whim of its government, as is the economy. While some become successful in Brazil, crimes of bribery and extortion and fraud are rampant. Brazil’s Constitution has been amended over 50 times in the last 10 years alone; most of the time to suit cronyism in government. With Bolsonaro coming in and making strategic changes, this is improving dramatically.

Democratic, maybe, but hardly a free people just yet.

This is the sort of democracy that is being sponsored these days by the world leftist agenda. It’s what happened in some of the former Soviet bloc countries, like Yugoslavia and Georgia, which after the fall of Soviet communism, were making real progress toward a free society. Before leftists moved in and destroyed true democracy in place of a leftist planned economy, placed in the hands of a few elite.

I’ve discuss the prototype of leftist democracy in former Soviet Georgia, and what its relationship was to people like George Soros and some of the funding of the revolution by interests tied to the Royal families of Europe. They aren’t seeking freedom as you and I know it– they are seeking a democratic dictatorship, a sort of quasi-socialism, where people THINK they are voting freely and living in an American style Republic, but really are merely peasants in a modern day feudal system.

The fact that Biden, and others like him, as these ‘democratic’ enslaved nations as free, but in the same breath as America and its Constitution, makes me ill. To disguise socialistic slavery as an American style capitalistic republic is an insult to America, as much as it is to the people who live under its oppressive regime. It also suggests that this is what the left has planned for America; and we have already seen what this means. It means average Americans living on less, doing less, having less freedoms, and a planned and regulated economy, where the small entrepreneur is a relic. A country where government decides what is best for you, what to eat and where to go.

Freedom is not necessarily a democracy; which can be as oppressive as any dictatorship.

Freedom, without its sister economic strategy of free capitalism, can be as chain bound as Nazism. A golden chain, but slavery nonetheless.

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