Thomas Purcell (– Why do I always asked ‘vaxxed?’ on articles about someone dying early, that I read in social media.

People are not living as long as they used to. What could it be? It has to be something. So I ask the question, “vaxxed?”. Do I enjoy angering people? I often don’t even read the article, or care about the actual case at hand.

No. It’s because I want people to get upset and angry. It’s not because I am a troll and seek to agitate people for no reason than perverse pleasure. I want them to examine their own worldview.

When I deliberately get people mad at me, I ask them a simple question: why are you getting upset at a question? I want them to realize something about themselves. You see, when people become agitated at that question, the reason they get mad is that there is a small part of them inside them that has been asking the same question. Why are so many people dying prematurely? A small part of them is not angry at me for asking the question, they are angry at themselves for not realizing it sooner.

The problem is that they can’t accept it, and hence the anger. In order for them to make the connection between premature death and a vaccine, people have to accept that if that is true, then have been lied to, and that their entire worldview might be wrong. That the ‘Nazi’ may have been right; and if we are right about this, we might be right about other things as well. They have to accept that experts could be liars, or incompetent in their jobs.

That’s a hard pill to swallow.

This is why liberals get mad at conservatives, and resort to name calling and insults rather than face facts. They have been bamboozled and brainwashed by the mass media and experts alike, and no one likes to admit they have been hustled, or worse, they were not smart enough to realize the lies they have been told. So they lash out, and try to reduce your character through anger and vociferous complaint.

They cannot live with themselves, and so the examiner and purveyor of facts must be dismantled.

It’s never an examination of facts. It’s never an examination of the case. No one wants to admit they were wrong, or even the possibility they are wrong. They are not angry at me; they are angry at themselves and what is happening, even if they don’t want to admit or even realize it.

People often hate facts; hate the truth. When Pontius Pilate turned Jesus over to the mob, they demanded his death even though he had committed no crime. Why? Because the crowd could not accept the truth; that all men are equal, even Caesar to the peasant working in the fields. If that were true then the mob would necessarily be both the victim and the conned, and that they are the real villains for not fighting back and accepting what the Roman nobility had been telling them. Otherwise, they would have risen up long ago.

It was easier just to let the Romans execute Jesus. Then they would be justified in accepting the lie. Then they could go back to living with themselves.

So trolling has a purpose, at least in the sense that I said. It wakes people up, at least in some small part. It creates a small cognitive dissonance in their psyche.

Every little bit makes a difference, even if only to a few. Even our greatest truth teller started with only twelve.

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