Who are the Russian spies regarding election interference?

1. The 2015 FBI report on the Russia interference spells out exactly how they work. It available online, is in layman’s terms, and not particularly compelling. Essentially, Russian operatives create an atmosphere of mistrust and doubt with false stories and news reports, so that everyday Americans lose faith in their leaders and institutions.

2. Additionally, they tampered with some voting machines early in some states, and then released that they did to news organizations, even though the machines reported (as they are designed to) the change in the results. All of this had no effect on any real results, but the stories released are designed to, again, create that doubt.

A typical American intelligence briefing room.
A typical American intelligence briefing room.

Up until this last election, they have been mostly unsuccessful in that endeavor. Due to the nature of Trump’s upset, naturally these attempts are now becoming more problematic for America.

3. Many Americans unwittingly help them, like #TheResistance movement, lose faith in our institutions. We pass false news stories and photoshopped partisan ‘ evidence’ to increase dissension, mistrust and doubt. They have stepped up those efforts since 2013, even though in the large scheme of things, is limited in its effect. Social media plays a large role in this.

There is some evidence, rumored released in the latest intelligence report, that elements in our own spy network, may be helping that effort for political purposes. There are spies, both military and civilian contractors, working inside this country also engaged in counter-intelligence efforts to stop this destabilization as well. In the process, 4th amendment rights are being trampled by both sides.

4. Our spy agencies routinely interfere in elections around the world, in the same manner, so any accusations that somehow this is abnormal or dangerous, is largely unfounded. It can only really affect unstable and problematic elections and countries. Other nations that have extensive spy operatives and apparatus that are well funded, do this as well.

For us to be complaining about it, is hypocritical, to say the least. “Spies be spying” so to speak.

Hope that helps.

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