FOX- For months now, privately, we’ve been searching for a meaningful definition of the word “equity.” We’ve consulted linguists, dusted off moldering reference books, we scoured the four corners of God’s own internet, all in an effort to figure out what it means. We’ve done this, not for pleasure, but because it’s our duty as a news organization. Equity is now the organizing principle of the United States of America.

On the very day he was inaugurated, Joe Biden signed Executive Order 13985. That order makes equity mandatory across the federal government. Yet strangely, neither Joe Biden nor anyone else in the administration ever defined the word. So what is equity? Tonight, finally, we know what it is.

Equity, it turns out, is racism. It’s as simple as that. Equity is racism. And to be clear, we don’t mean racism in the sense that ice cream and Shakespeare and math are all now supposedly racist, or that Dr. Seuss is now considered an Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan. We’re not talking about the Ilhan Omar/Atlantic magazine definition — which by the way, isn’t actually language, but just another blunt political weapon. No. We mean racism in the literal sense, in the way that Martin Luther King defined the term: the act of hurting some people and helping others, purely on the basis of their respective races. Bigotry, in other words. Prejudice. Hatred. That’s what equity is.


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